Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I will kill

OK I'm just sitting here looking at BBC and Facebook when Daniel gets home on an early lunch (and didn't tell me) and pounds on the window next to me! I almost met him at the door with a gun cause I didn't know he was getting home early and I didn't know who it was! The butthead....Anyway. My period didn't show this morning so I'm hoping that is a good sign. The last couple of periods have been coming at 30 days instead of my normal 28 so if it does this time too I will know that the miscarriage changed my cycles. I am trying my best to wait til Saturday to take my last pregnancy test. I swear the women on BBC have made me a POAS-aholic (Pee On A Stick-aholic). They will love that fact LOL! Well I have cleaning and dishes to do so BYE BYE!

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